Monday, February 4, 2008

Yep! That's me!

Yep! That picture is me!

I gotta say that when I arrived on the scene and heard that Super Tuesday is tomorrow and Puxtawny Phil saw his shadow on Saturday, I just screamed and screamed and screamed. So my Dad, the odd man that he is, decided to catch my initial reaction to all of this news.

Wow! This world is kinda scary, but I'm here so let's see what craziness is ahead.

Please feel free to give me some tips on how to deal with all of this insanity by clicking the comments link below. Perhaps a tip or two for my parents may be a good idea as well. ;)


Oh, and for all of you that have been praying for me, my Mom and my Dad, I'll go ahead and tell you "Thanks!". Without you, I wouldn't be here today, so I definitely feel a great deal of gratitude.


JSGrey said...


very happy to see you've arrived safe and sound. as far as the insantity goes - i'm afraid you'll just have to go with it for now. just rest, take some deep breaths, have all the food you want and we'll talk later. (haha)

for mom and dad? try to believe it's all real...believe in the power of prayer - and be sure to journal this special delivery to use as blackmail later in jackhenry's life!

seriously - congrats to all of you from george, janet, val and d - (the girls were almost as excited as i was).

Chris Smith said...

Congratulations!! We are so happy that you are here Jack Henry! This is truly a blessing and I can't wait to meet you!

Elaine & Stephen - you will be the most wonderful parents in the world! Best wishes during this time and remember, he'll be home soon enough! I'll see you soon!

Love, Chris (& Craig)

Tere said...

Utz apetik k´ak´ ne´! Welcome new baby! With these words in the Kiche´language we welcome you into the world. May your days be filled with warmth and happiness and love. We were waiting for you with open arms. You were born on Tijax, the day of the surgeons and healers, according to the Mayan calendar, and the lightning is your energy. Your hands will have healing power, and when you get angry you will be like thunder, but we shall leave it up to Mama and Papa and your community to guide you well, because you will probably be constanly siding with those in trouble. Health will be your challenge and your gift. Enjoy life! Be happy! With love, Tere from Guatemala

Unknown said...

oooo my godd.. he iss very cute .. congratulations we wish yall the best and we will keep you in our prayers..

- mary and victoria

ps. i cant wait to meet my nephew :)

Unknown said...

Welcome to the world little guy. You've got an AWESOME set of parents, so keep that in mind once you're home & try to sleep through the night every now & then! Make sure your mom brings you by after you go home so that we can see how you progress. I'll miss taking care of your mom...she made my days go by quickly at work.

Lara Ramirez, RN

Anonymous said...

Steve & Elaine,

Your New Jersey family is so happy for you! Love the name too. Savor, enjoy - feel our love and prayers!

Ken & Marilyn Henry

Anonymous said...

Jack Henry,

So glad to hear you have arrived. I am a friend/co worker of your grandma Pereira. I know she is just overjoyed with your arrival. My thoughts, prayers and well wishes go out to you and the ENTIRE family who I know loves you so very much. You keep getting stronger, and in a few months you'll have a play mate. (I am having a baby boy in June) This makes 3 boys. Take it from me, Mom and Dad, boys are a beautiful blessing.

Grandma Pereira's friend,
Brandi Gourley-Sterling Bank

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Elaine & Stephen! We have been following your blogs since Jack Henry was born. He seems to be making great progress...he is probably as anxious as his parents are to get home! He is beautiful and we are so happy for you.

And congratulations to you Jack Henry for making your debut into this world. You were born into a great, loving family.

Can't wait to meet you one day....

Maryann, Derrick, Jasmine & Dylan Lobo