Thursday, February 7, 2008

Our first family picture

On late Wednesday afternoon, Elaine was able to hold Jack Henry through Kangaroo Care. It was an amazing experience watching his reaction to being held by Elaine. Before being moved from the isolet, his respiration rate was slightly elevated and then he fussed quite a bit at being moved over to Elaine to only have him completely melt into Elaine once he realized that his Mommy was holding him.

So this is our first family picture!


Anonymous said...

Dear Elaine and Stephen,

Thank you so much for sharing your family photos and keeping us updated on Jack Henry's progress. I had tears of joy when I saw pictures of our little nephew. He is truly blessed to have you as parents.

I have checked out the site twice today and was happy to find new pictures since this morning. I may become addicted to your blog...



Anonymous said...

Dear Aunt Elaine and Uncle Stephen,

I'm happy that you had your baby. And, I hope I can come to your house sometime with my family. When I come to your house I would like to hold Jack Henry.



Anonymous said...

Dear Aunt Elaine and Uncle Stephen,

Congratulations! Jack Henry is very cute and small. I can't wait to see him in person.



Unknown said...

Dear Elaine, Stephen and Jack Henry,

What a beautiful family photo you all made together.

The power of prayer is truly an awesome thing. I continue to keep you all in my daily prayes and thanksgivings.

See you all soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mom & Dad
What a wonderful miracle that you are holding in your arms. God is good - all the time.
Now the fun begins for the both of you - the joy of raising a son.

A happy deacon and his wife.
Al & Sandy

Anonymous said...

Dear Elaine and Stephen,
I am so glad I checked back today to see how things were going - what a beautiful little boy and what joy to see him in your arms.
My prayers and best wishes will remain with you.

Abena Sandy-Montgomery said...

Elaine & Stephen,

We are so happy for you and the new addition to your family. He is so precious & beautiful and I am sure that he will bring so much joy to your lives.

Abena & Gary