Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thank you for receiving Jack Henry to this small planet

Thank you to everyone who has helped to receive Jack Henry into this world.

All of your expressions of love and support - emails, phone calls, text messages, and gifts - have been so overwhelming. In the last day we have received 300 hits to this blog from a dozen countries as far as way as Sweden, Argentina, and Singapore.

We know that Jack Henry would not be here or in such wonderful shape if it was wasn't for your prayers and well-wishes. He has quite a road to still travel down with 3 more months of hospital care so we really appreciate your prayerful intercessions to the Lord.

Tonight, we are hopeful that Jack Henry will be stabilized enough to be able to hold him for the first time since his birth. If so, we will hold him for at least an hour using Kangaroo Care. Please check out the March of Dimes website for more information on preemies.

Please keep the comments rolling - a comment from Guatemala with a Kiche' welcome has been incredible.

Last, but not least, Elaine and I are very thankful to our enthusiastic and loving neighbors. The picture of the balloons above is a thoughtful gift from them amongst many of their wonderful gestures.

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