Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The best doctors in town

Without a doubt, the best Ob/Gyn doctors in town are at the Ob/Gyn Centre of Houston.

Not only do Dr. Cook, Dr. Nanda and Dr. Melhelm provide excellent care, I cannot imagine a more personable and friendly group of physicians. Each doctor has visited with Elaine and I for her check-ups along the way as well as provided direction when we needed it so often. Yet, most of all, these guys, Paul, Roz and Z (sorry for the informality - ha!) are just great people. Whether it was a movie tip from Dr. Nanda to a interesting discussion quickly ranging from Middle East politics to sports with Dr. Cook, each visit with them was a joy that we looked forward to.

One last thought, when you visit their practice, be sure to remember two things: Dr. Cook is a true, good bull Ag, and Dr. Nanda LOVES Appalachian State!

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