Saturday, February 23, 2008

Introducing my running mate...

If nominated to represent my brothers and sisters of the Rabbit A/B pod, I am officially announcing today the joining of my candidacy with my fellow pod-mate, Avery!

Avery is well-known for her strong character, her ability to build bipartisan cohesiveness, and her being constantly nice smelling (unlike our opponents).

In deciding on Avery as my running mate, I reflected upon her leadship at the Bhutanese Peace Summit in Thimphu earlier this month. Her wisdom allowed for military disarmament between the Nepalese and the Bangladeshis in the Sikkim region. She truly was responsible for diverting tragedy.

Furthermore, it seemed just like yesterday when she was telling about a recent position paper that she had read in American Economic Review regarding Keynesian economics. Boy, was she steamed about how the New Classical Macroeconominists movement seemed to be making headway with disagreements about some of Keynes methodology with their supposition that different results may emerge from their calculations!

Well, I digress.

I am confident in that Avery joins me in our dogged pursuit of true justice in the Rabbit A/B pod.

Please welcome Avery to join me in the "Jack Henry / Avery in 2008" ticket.

Additionally, I am unveiling our campaign slogan as well as this time: Jack Henry and Avery - we're not full of pooh (unlike our opponents)!

*** Her name is Avery and her parents approve this message. :)

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