Thursday, February 21, 2008

Breaking down the walls of the two-party system

It's official!

Jack Henry has thrown his name into the presidential race by competing to win the Rabbit A/B pod party nomination.

Even though little Jack Henry is young to be Baby-in-Chief, he's never been one to accept the establishment's point-of-view. If elected, he will led the charge to change the minimum age for president as stated in Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution. His pledge is for solidarity amongst all the people of the U.S., especially in contrast to his opponents who are age-ists (age discrimination is discrimination just the same, no matter what your age may be).

Now, you too can help Jack Henry in his race for the White House. (Shhh, don't tell him that he will definitely make it to the White House when he gets released from the NICU, since our last name is... ya know. Nyuk! Nyuk!)

Look to the upper left side of this blog to find the latest poll. The opponents may be familiar, but don't underestimate their ability to manipulate the truth that Jack Henry is spreading.

Just remember: it's your constitutional responsibility to vote on your choice for El Presidente!

So as Dr. Tom says: Vote early and vote often!

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