Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Separated at birth?

Although Jack Henry did get slightly de-monkey-ified with his first haircut / forehead shave, the reality is that he's a slightly hairy dude. :)

While this is completely normal, I sure enjoy having fun comparing him to another familiarly fury friend.

A quick note to appease those in the scientific community (and Elaine) that I'm not overly torturing my kid: the hair that is covering his body (um, especially his upper arms, back, shoulders, forehead (formerly), etc) is called lanugo. This is the hair that grows on babies in utero and is typically shed at 40 weeks of gestation. Since little Jack Henry decided to appear on the scene at 29 weeks, he's got a bit of time to knock the fur off. This hair functions as additional warmth until he builds up his needed fat deposits. Soon enough, this coarse, dark hair will be shed and replaced with the more commonly noticed vellus hair (peach fuzz).

Back to the point of this post, Jack Henry seems a bit separated at birth (but reunited in his isolet) to another certain little hairy creature. You can decide for yourself in this little retrospective set of pictures.

(By the way, Jack Henry's response when he first saw Curious George in his isolet was something along the lines of surprise, worry and fear mixed into one as his thoughts turned toward this large monkey coming to get him... perhaps his words would have been "Holy, Pooh!")

And with all due respect to PETA, no monkeys were harmed during the photographing in preparation of this post and this post was prepared in front of a live studio audience!

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