Sunday, March 2, 2008

Getting dressed up with no place to go

Jack Henry has gotten to the point where he is old enough and big enough (from a weight perspective) where he gets to try to regulate his own body temperature. This is one of his next, big milestones.

Until now, Jack Henry has had his body temperature regulated by his bed. In essence, the bed would be set at temperature of 36.5 celsius and Jack Henry would follow along. If his temperature dipped below a prescribed level, the bed, like a pizza oven, would warm him up. Since he's so deep dish, he never got too crusty - ok, ok, I think that I need to go eat dinner now.

Ahh, better finish up this post quick, so here we go. Instead of the bed warming and cooling him to a certain level, the bed is switched to a different setting with a lower temperature and his body is supposed to keep himself warm. He should be able to do this as he is almost 1,500 grams now. Gradually, the bed is being reduced in temperature by 0.5 celsius increments from 33.0 celsius with an end result of 28.0 celsius (close to room temperature).

In doing so, he gets to wear clothes (onesies). Additionally, we will swaddle him when he is taken out of the isolet for non-nurtitive sucking or kangaroo care.

The end goal is for Jack Henry to regulate his temperate so that he can go from the isolet to an open crib. This will most likely happen when he is at 1,800 grams.

After he achieves this, his next (and hopefully final) task will be able to breastfeed and bottle feed all of his meals (i.e. no feeding tube).


Aynne said...

Jack Henry,

You don't know me, but I am friends with your grandparents, John and Ann. My twin granddaughters and I are praying for you every day. Molly and Leah have a little brother, Dylan, who was born on February 4th, 2008, just like you! One day, you guys can go to the Easter Egg Hunt at Good Shepherd together and eat lots of candy! Keep growing and getting bigger and stronger. And tell your Dad what an awesome blogger he is. God bless you.

Aynne Daugherty, grandmother of
Molly, Leah and Dylan Sullivan

Anonymous said...

Gahhhh! I'm going to go crazy if you dont update! Thankfully I know where you guys are : )
-Nurse Ashley