This is the first of such pictures in an ongoing series and it covers the first seven days of his life in sequence from top-to-bottom.
Click the picture to see all seven pictures enlarged to normal size.
NOTE: Many of the pictures in these compilations have not been posted to the blog before.
The plan is to post these compilations on a periodic basis. In putting together the above picture set, it was striking to remember how significantly he has changed in such a short period of time.
While it has been scary to have Jack Henry come early, in many ways due to the remarkable prenatal and neonatal care that we have received, his early life and development has gone relatively smooth.
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If you have spoken to me in person recently, you have heard me say it - yet, here it is again: I feel strongly that having Jack Henry delivered early has been an incredible gift in that we have received a sneak preview that most everyone has to wait patiently and anxiously for. He has changed in ways that we would have never experienced if he were still in the womb. This is a small part of what makes his presence so special to his still-developing parents, but it is time that we will never forget. ;)
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