My parents have been looking a little bit long in the tooth lately. I suppose that must mean that I need to hurry up and finish my time up in the NICU soon.
The biggest indication that it's time for me to go is the lack posting on the blog here. My Daddy and I have discussed numerous blog topics and I know that he's worked on many of them, but alas, nothing has happened recently. My suspicion is that my Mommy and Daddy are either staying up way too late by hanging out with me in the NICU until near about midnight each night or all of the new activities that I'm doing is now part of their responsibility to take care... like feeding me and changing me and burping me.
As a matter of fact, at times, I wonder if they're the ones who need a warm bottle, a burp and a nap.
Well since today is my 2 month birthday, when my Daddy was resting his eyes (like he says), I snuck over and borrowed his camera. Darn thing is heavy, but I figured out how to use it to take the picture below and post this image for you. Hopefully, more posts will come, but that may be the biggest mystery next to when I may be coming home.

PS: Trust me - it's not easy to set up the camera, turn on the timer, scamper back to my bed, reswaddle and pose for the said picture within 15 seconds, but I managed just for you!

My parents have been looking a little bit long in the tooth lately. I suppose that must mean that I need to hurry up and finish my time up in the NICU soon.
The biggest indication that it's time for me to go is the lack posting on the blog here. My Daddy and I have discussed numerous blog topics and I know that he's worked on many of them, but alas, nothing has happened recently. My suspicion is that my Mommy and Daddy are either staying up way too late by hanging out with me in the NICU until near about midnight each night or all of the new activities that I'm doing is now part of their responsibility to take care... like feeding me and changing me and burping me.
As a matter of fact, at times, I wonder if they're the ones who need a warm bottle, a burp and a nap.
Well since today is my 2 month birthday, when my Daddy was resting his eyes (like he says), I snuck over and borrowed his camera. Darn thing is heavy, but I figured out how to use it to take the picture below and post this image for you. Hopefully, more posts will come, but that may be the biggest mystery next to when I may be coming home.
PS: Trust me - it's not easy to set up the camera, turn on the timer, scamper back to my bed, reswaddle and pose for the said picture within 15 seconds, but I managed just for you!
so when are you coming home lil sweetie? i could use a man like you next door! haha. and i'm speaking to jack henry...
Great work Jack Henry! You'll be a pro like your dad in no time! Can't wait to visit you at home!
-Nurse Amy
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