Truly a peaceful moment as JH is being soothed and comforted. You can see how he has nestled his head on his grandfather's shoulder. :)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Father's Day, Grampa B!
Jack Henry enjoys a nice pat on and rub of the back from his Grampa B after he eats his evening bottle.
Posted by
Stephen R. White
7:01:00 PM
Jack Henry goes shopping
While Daddy gets coffee-break time, JH is watching people ride the escalator at the Galleria. Feeding time soon will come once the bottle warms in the hot water from the coffee shop.
(Some may think that Daddy likes to feed JH at the mall because he gets a coffee too when asking for hot water to warm the milk, but Daddy says the benevolence of my heart causes him to feed JH... Coffee is just an added benefit!)
Jack Henry whispered to the writer of this blog that he's not a fan of shopping unless it's for him or for Daddy to get cool electronic toys. ;)
Posted by
Stephen R. White
2:08:00 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Oh la la, mon petit chou!

Just because Grampa and Gramma White are in Europe and Granny Pereira is in Hawaii, it doesn't mean that Jack Henry can't have his own worldly adventure!
Today, it's France (La Madeleine) for JH... Tomorrow it may be another country such as Mexico (Los Cucos) or Vietnam (My Le) or Louisiana (Pappadeux).
Viva la France!
Today, it's France (La Madeleine) for JH... Tomorrow it may be another country such as Mexico (Los Cucos) or Vietnam (My Le) or Louisiana (Pappadeux).
Viva la France!
Posted by
Stephen R. White
9:09:00 AM
Monday, June 9, 2008
Such a good boy!
Although JH was not a big fan of eating half-dead viruses, he managed real well when taking his 4-month vaccine booster shots.
Posted by
Stephen R. White
10:16:00 AM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
How am I supposed to use these chopsticks?
JH has yet to quite master the art of eat with chopsticks.
Hey son, make sure to take out your fortune before eating your fortune cookie... and add the phrase "in my crib" to the end of your fortune as well.
Posted by
Stephen R. White
8:21:00 PM
Where's my cold drink and remote control?
Jack Henry has discovered the pleasures of his Gramma White's lounge chair, but he's wondering why no one will let him use the TV remote control.
Posted by
Stephen R. White
4:29:00 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
A man on the town...
Jack Henry is enjoying the beautiful and cool evening by going out to dinner up in The Woodlands. Since he was eating out on the patio, nothing says 'baby chic' such as a handmade Indian copper-tone pashmina shawl.
Daddy and Uncle Earl says the weather is perfect for JH, but Momma wins out to keep him warm.
Posted by
Stephen R. White
10:23:00 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Prepping for his MRI

We're back at Memorial Hermann for Jack Henry to get an MRI of his left eye. His opthamologists (Dr. Hintner and Dr. Wittenberg) want to find out what's going on with his left eye.
We're hoping for the best, but it's always an anxious time when you're talking about sedating a newborn and putting through a lengthy (and not quiet) exam. In the least, the exam shouldn't be too taxing on him since it's non-invasive and the nurses and techs have been great so far.
The harder logistical challenge is that JH has to go NPO (without food or drink) for an extended period of time. His last feeding was at 9:30AM and he may not be able to eat until 2PM or later, which would be longest stretch for him by far.

UPDATE: The radiologist didn't see anything really acute or anything to be alarmed about or the doctor would have requested another doctor's consult or to have JH admitted immediately.

UPDATE #2: According to JH's pediatrician, nothing showed up on the MRI to be concerned about. We're waiting for further feedback or confirmation from his opthamologists. :)
We're hoping for the best, but it's always an anxious time when you're talking about sedating a newborn and putting through a lengthy (and not quiet) exam. In the least, the exam shouldn't be too taxing on him since it's non-invasive and the nurses and techs have been great so far.
The harder logistical challenge is that JH has to go NPO (without food or drink) for an extended period of time. His last feeding was at 9:30AM and he may not be able to eat until 2PM or later, which would be longest stretch for him by far.

UPDATE: The radiologist didn't see anything really acute or anything to be alarmed about or the doctor would have requested another doctor's consult or to have JH admitted immediately.

UPDATE #2: According to JH's pediatrician, nothing showed up on the MRI to be concerned about. We're waiting for further feedback or confirmation from his opthamologists. :)
Posted by
Stephen R. White
9:16:00 AM
Stylin' and profilin'

Jack Henry had a consult today with Dr. Wittenberg as referred by Dr. Hittner. Dr. Hittner is the foremost expert in pediatric opthamology in North America and it's a luxury to have access to her talents through the Memorial Hermann NICU as she is also a professor with the UT-Houston med school. Dr. Wittenberg is an expert in infectious ocology and other "rare" things, which you will read in a moment to understand why we were referred to her.
Dr. Hittner performed her post-NICU discharge on Monday as she is following a hemorrage in his left eye near the macula.
Originally during Dr. Hittner's initial exam when JH was one month old, she saw a slight tear (hemorrage) in the upper part of the left eye that looked like it was in the process of resolving itself as the blood was dry in the area. In her first follow-up when JH was two months old, Dr. Hittner observed that the original hemorrage was resolved, but a new one (or one that may have been previously obscured by the original hemorrage) appeared close to the macula. While these hemorrages are expected to self-resolve by the tear site closing up and healing, it's possible that damage can occur. The macula is what provides acuity of our vision (i.e. whether we see 20/20 or not). This new hemorrage was tentatively diagnosed as a perimacula or peripapallery.
As a result of this assessment, the main concern from the new hemorrage was that Jack Henry may have some loss of vision (mainly depth perception and possibly not being able to get the vision in the left eye better than 20/70 even with corrective lens). This possible vision impairment would be related to the natural progression of how the eyes develop or mature after birth. For example, if one eye had something temporarily impact focusing and general vision, then the brain would compensate to strengthen the other eye, which may or may not be a permanent imbalance in vision between the two eyes.
Ahhh, so now we're finishing up with Dr. Wittenberg. Dr. Hittner sent us for a consult with Dr. Wittenberg because there was concern as to what may be floating in the viscous part of the eye (the jelly-like area or the main body of the eye). The object floating in the eye looked similar to a possible parasite - thankfully, it was NOT that - which could have been a source of the new hemorrage. Instead, it appears that the object in the viscous is just a large (relatively-speaking) clump of dried blood.
Yet, it appears that there may be fresh blood trailing down near the optic nerve. Fortunately, according to Dr. Wittenberg the macula looks good and the optic nerve appears not to be swollen or irritated.
Due to the fresh blood though, both doctors are concerned as to where the source of this small bleeding may be since it is not appearing in a place that they would expect.. As a result, Jack Henry is having an MRI of his eyes ordered for him.
Poor little guy - he handles all of the poking and prodding so well. He's quite the chilled out kid. Yet, having people put there fingers in his eyes to give him the dilation drops is hard on him. Honestly, every doctor and nurse is gentle, but the eye drops are not his favorite thing in the least. With the MRI, Jack Henry will be sedated, so we'll have to how that works out for him. Hopefully, a simple diagnosis will be easily found so that we can stop worrying.
Dr. Hittner performed her post-NICU discharge on Monday as she is following a hemorrage in his left eye near the macula.
Originally during Dr. Hittner's initial exam when JH was one month old, she saw a slight tear (hemorrage) in the upper part of the left eye that looked like it was in the process of resolving itself as the blood was dry in the area. In her first follow-up when JH was two months old, Dr. Hittner observed that the original hemorrage was resolved, but a new one (or one that may have been previously obscured by the original hemorrage) appeared close to the macula. While these hemorrages are expected to self-resolve by the tear site closing up and healing, it's possible that damage can occur. The macula is what provides acuity of our vision (i.e. whether we see 20/20 or not). This new hemorrage was tentatively diagnosed as a perimacula or peripapallery.
As a result of this assessment, the main concern from the new hemorrage was that Jack Henry may have some loss of vision (mainly depth perception and possibly not being able to get the vision in the left eye better than 20/70 even with corrective lens). This possible vision impairment would be related to the natural progression of how the eyes develop or mature after birth. For example, if one eye had something temporarily impact focusing and general vision, then the brain would compensate to strengthen the other eye, which may or may not be a permanent imbalance in vision between the two eyes.
Ahhh, so now we're finishing up with Dr. Wittenberg. Dr. Hittner sent us for a consult with Dr. Wittenberg because there was concern as to what may be floating in the viscous part of the eye (the jelly-like area or the main body of the eye). The object floating in the eye looked similar to a possible parasite - thankfully, it was NOT that - which could have been a source of the new hemorrage. Instead, it appears that the object in the viscous is just a large (relatively-speaking) clump of dried blood.
Yet, it appears that there may be fresh blood trailing down near the optic nerve. Fortunately, according to Dr. Wittenberg the macula looks good and the optic nerve appears not to be swollen or irritated.
Due to the fresh blood though, both doctors are concerned as to where the source of this small bleeding may be since it is not appearing in a place that they would expect.. As a result, Jack Henry is having an MRI of his eyes ordered for him.
Poor little guy - he handles all of the poking and prodding so well. He's quite the chilled out kid. Yet, having people put there fingers in his eyes to give him the dilation drops is hard on him. Honestly, every doctor and nurse is gentle, but the eye drops are not his favorite thing in the least. With the MRI, Jack Henry will be sedated, so we'll have to how that works out for him. Hopefully, a simple diagnosis will be easily found so that we can stop worrying.
Oh - as for the picture... his eyes were dilated again and the lights in the building were bright as well as the outside, so what do you do, but get the cool shades from the doc?

Posted by
Stephen R. White
9:04:00 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
If a picture is worth 1,000 words ...
... then the following link is worth at least 2,629,000 words and counting!
Yes, all of the pictures from Jack Henry's 65 days in the NICU as well as his time since coming home have been uploaded to our new SmugMug site. You can get to the pictures through either of the following links:

We will also begin loading the rest of our family pictures and videos to SmugMug so that we can reminisce over the carefree and plentiful-sleep PK days (PK = pre-kid). ;)
Note: If you see a picture that you like, you can actually order a copy of that picture for a cost 19 cents. I have not personally done this yet, so let me know in the comments if it works out well for you.
Yes, all of the pictures from Jack Henry's 65 days in the NICU as well as his time since coming home have been uploaded to our new SmugMug site. You can get to the pictures through either of the following links:
We will also begin loading the rest of our family pictures and videos to SmugMug so that we can reminisce over the carefree and plentiful-sleep PK days (PK = pre-kid). ;)
Note: If you see a picture that you like, you can actually order a copy of that picture for a cost 19 cents. I have not personally done this yet, so let me know in the comments if it works out well for you.
Posted by
Stephen R. White
5:13:00 PM
I'm a chunky little teapot, short and stout

Now announcing this morning's heavyweight fight...
In this corner, weighing in at a hefty 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20 inches tall, Jack "Attack" Henry White!!!
And in the opposite corner, his parents, who in their most recent bout lost to sleep deprivation.
This should be a quick K.O. by Jack Henry, but we'll see if the tag-team duo of Elaine "Delivering the Pain" and Stephen "Kinda Even" can match the endurance and power of JH.
In this corner, weighing in at a hefty 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20 inches tall, Jack "Attack" Henry White!!!
And in the opposite corner, his parents, who in their most recent bout lost to sleep deprivation.
This should be a quick K.O. by Jack Henry, but we'll see if the tag-team duo of Elaine "Delivering the Pain" and Stephen "Kinda Even" can match the endurance and power of JH.
Yup, as you can above - JH has put on another 10 ounces and a 1/4 inch over the last week.
Whew! He's growing!

Posted by
Stephen R. White
10:09:00 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mmm... coffee

JH likes a Triple Venti Nonfat Halfwhip Double Pump Upside-down Caramel Macchiato with EBM* to chase down his bottle feeding.
(*EBM = expressed breast milk)
(*EBM = expressed breast milk)
Posted by
Stephen R. White
10:57:00 AM
First Starbucks experience

JH has finished his doctor's appointment with flying colors and now he gets his first Starbucks experience. Ha!
Or at least his parents do!
Or at least his parents do!
Posted by
Stephen R. White
10:27:00 AM
First doctor's appointment

JH is getting his first check-up this morning. We didn't want to scare another doctor, so no big camera pix (only camera phone).
Yet, Jack Henry is becoming a chunky monkey as he weighed in at 6 lbs 11 oz and his length remained the same (19 3/4 inches). I suppose we are going to be weened off of the metric system for he measurements. ;)
Yet, Jack Henry is becoming a chunky monkey as he weighed in at 6 lbs 11 oz and his length remained the same (19 3/4 inches). I suppose we are going to be weened off of the metric system for he measurements. ;)

And if Jack Henry is going to visit his doctor, he can at least enjoy the view from his appointment room... time to watch the LifeFlight helicopter take off!

Posted by
Stephen R. White
9:26:00 AM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Jack Henry has left the building

Time to go home!
Instead of goodbye, Jack Henry and his parents say "Until we see you again soon (over wine and dinner!)" to our wonderful NICU friends.
Instead of goodbye, Jack Henry and his parents say "Until we see you again soon (over wine and dinner!)" to our wonderful NICU friends.
Posted by
Stephen R. White
4:16:00 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
Since my Daddy's not been posting lately...
My parents have been looking a little bit long in the tooth lately. I suppose that must mean that I need to hurry up and finish my time up in the NICU soon.
The biggest indication that it's time for me to go is the lack posting on the blog here. My Daddy and I have discussed numerous blog topics and I know that he's worked on many of them, but alas, nothing has happened recently. My suspicion is that my Mommy and Daddy are either staying up way too late by hanging out with me in the NICU until near about midnight each night or all of the new activities that I'm doing is now part of their responsibility to take care... like feeding me and changing me and burping me.
As a matter of fact, at times, I wonder if they're the ones who need a warm bottle, a burp and a nap.
Well since today is my 2 month birthday, when my Daddy was resting his eyes (like he says), I snuck over and borrowed his camera. Darn thing is heavy, but I figured out how to use it to take the picture below and post this image for you. Hopefully, more posts will come, but that may be the biggest mystery next to when I may be coming home.

PS: Trust me - it's not easy to set up the camera, turn on the timer, scamper back to my bed, reswaddle and pose for the said picture within 15 seconds, but I managed just for you!

My parents have been looking a little bit long in the tooth lately. I suppose that must mean that I need to hurry up and finish my time up in the NICU soon.
The biggest indication that it's time for me to go is the lack posting on the blog here. My Daddy and I have discussed numerous blog topics and I know that he's worked on many of them, but alas, nothing has happened recently. My suspicion is that my Mommy and Daddy are either staying up way too late by hanging out with me in the NICU until near about midnight each night or all of the new activities that I'm doing is now part of their responsibility to take care... like feeding me and changing me and burping me.
As a matter of fact, at times, I wonder if they're the ones who need a warm bottle, a burp and a nap.
Well since today is my 2 month birthday, when my Daddy was resting his eyes (like he says), I snuck over and borrowed his camera. Darn thing is heavy, but I figured out how to use it to take the picture below and post this image for you. Hopefully, more posts will come, but that may be the biggest mystery next to when I may be coming home.
PS: Trust me - it's not easy to set up the camera, turn on the timer, scamper back to my bed, reswaddle and pose for the said picture within 15 seconds, but I managed just for you!
Posted by
Jack Henry White
3:54:00 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Jack Henry - a retrospective (part 2 in a series)
As explained in an earlier post, we are posting compilation pictures to see the changes in Jack Henry.

This most recent set of pictures cover Jack Henry's second week of life. :)

This most recent set of pictures cover Jack Henry's second week of life. :)
Posted by
Stephen R. White
11:08:00 PM
And the campaign goes on...
Fare well, ye running mate of mine.

Yes, my good friend and Vice Presidential Candidate, Avery, is leaving the Rabbit A/B pod today. She has been called away to more important work in using her fiscal expertise to assist the Federal Reserve in addressing monetary policy issues.
Nonetheless, our power ticket of Jack Henry and Avery will proceed on in our determination to lead the way for the emanicipation of babies everywhere and especially in the Rabbit A/B pod.

Even though Avery has left the NICU at the request of our government, she has pledged her support toward our ticket as a sign of solidarity with you, our future consituents.

As pictured with her loyal entourage (aka "parents"), she has already been engaged in some additional projects beyond strengthening the U.S. dollar in that she has begun designs to reconstruct a major north-south thoroughfare in west Houston as well as to compose a new ballet. Quite the diverse talent!

Yet, in case you are considering our opponent, Johilbar, just remember with whom you may be placing your future! In case you have forgotten, I have included a recent picture of the opposition candidate as a reminder.

Yes, my good friend and Vice Presidential Candidate, Avery, is leaving the Rabbit A/B pod today. She has been called away to more important work in using her fiscal expertise to assist the Federal Reserve in addressing monetary policy issues.
Nonetheless, our power ticket of Jack Henry and Avery will proceed on in our determination to lead the way for the emanicipation of babies everywhere and especially in the Rabbit A/B pod.
Even though Avery has left the NICU at the request of our government, she has pledged her support toward our ticket as a sign of solidarity with you, our future consituents.
As pictured with her loyal entourage (aka "parents"), she has already been engaged in some additional projects beyond strengthening the U.S. dollar in that she has begun designs to reconstruct a major north-south thoroughfare in west Houston as well as to compose a new ballet. Quite the diverse talent!
Yet, in case you are considering our opponent, Johilbar, just remember with whom you may be placing your future! In case you have forgotten, I have included a recent picture of the opposition candidate as a reminder.

Posted by
Jack Henry White
3:51:00 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Jack Henry - a retrospective (part 1 in a series)

This is the first of such pictures in an ongoing series and it covers the first seven days of his life in sequence from top-to-bottom.
Click the picture to see all seven pictures enlarged to normal size.
NOTE: Many of the pictures in these compilations have not been posted to the blog before.
The plan is to post these compilations on a periodic basis. In putting together the above picture set, it was striking to remember how significantly he has changed in such a short period of time.
While it has been scary to have Jack Henry come early, in many ways due to the remarkable prenatal and neonatal care that we have received, his early life and development has gone relatively smooth.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
If you have spoken to me in person recently, you have heard me say it - yet, here it is again: I feel strongly that having Jack Henry delivered early has been an incredible gift in that we have received a sneak preview that most everyone has to wait patiently and anxiously for. He has changed in ways that we would have never experienced if he were still in the womb. This is a small part of what makes his presence so special to his still-developing parents, but it is time that we will never forget. ;)
Posted by
Stephen R. White
4:01:00 AM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Learning the 4 Rs
Jack Henry has been learning the 4 important Rs. Of course, everyone knows what these are ... Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic and Rhythmic gymanistics.
Today, we will examine one of these Rs with a photo or two. Since the selection of which 'R' wasn't put up for vote, we're going to cover reading.
As Jack Henry has already exhibited, he can be a semi-prolific blogger, which covers the R of wRiting.

Yet, in case you were wondering where he receives his inspiration for his writing, you have to realize the Elaine reads to him quite often.

While the topics of which Jack Henry has been versed cover the current events of the day to various economic issues, some of Jack Henry's favorite reading materials come right from the NICU library, compliments of the Child Life coordinators. He has done a marvelous job of coaxing his Momma into reading from many, various tomes. In particular, he is a devout reader of educational books.
Today, we will examine one of these Rs with a photo or two. Since the selection of which 'R' wasn't put up for vote, we're going to cover reading.
As Jack Henry has already exhibited, he can be a semi-prolific blogger, which covers the R of wRiting.
Yet, in case you were wondering where he receives his inspiration for his writing, you have to realize the Elaine reads to him quite often.
While the topics of which Jack Henry has been versed cover the current events of the day to various economic issues, some of Jack Henry's favorite reading materials come right from the NICU library, compliments of the Child Life coordinators. He has done a marvelous job of coaxing his Momma into reading from many, various tomes. In particular, he is a devout reader of educational books.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
On a mildly serious and responsible note... yes, you are still reading the same blog about Jack Henry. :) As Jack Henry is unable to hear the weekly readings at Mass, we have read these to him each Sunday since he was born as we packed a Sunday Missal with us to the hospital.

As you can see, we did happen to use the Sunday Missal as a backdrop in the picture of the crocheted booties. Yes, I'm sure that this will be covered during the next confession with Fr. John. At least, there is proof that we brought this to the hospital for Jack Henry's use and ours. ;)
Nonetheless, it just so happens that the Gospel reading from this past Sunday (4th of Lent) seemed to capture an aspect of being in the hospital. In the Gospel of According to John, the story of Jesus healing the blind man is retold. The story starts off innocently as Jesus's disciples ask Jesus why the man that they had just passed was blind - was this the result of the man's or his parents' sin? This was a common thought in Jesus's time as well in the centuries following his earthly ministry ... and perhaps even until today. Yet, Jesus points out that the man's blindness is not related to sin, but in fact an opportunity for God's providence to shine through the man's pain and suffering. Jesus heals this man lack of sight through the man's faith as this also hastens Jesus's own fate to the cross as a result of this public display of ministry and healing.
While we have struggled with the aspect and challenges of Elaine and I desiring to have a child of our own, we became quite reminded how so many gifts have been given to us during our several months of hospital time in having Jack Henry. The struggle of his life coming to be has given us the wealth of new respect for the dedication and care of medical professionals as well as many new friends that we have such deep respect for in how they helped us in our journey. This is truly a current blessing that we would not so richly treasure if it weren't for the heavy burden that we needed help carrying.
As you can see, we did happen to use the Sunday Missal as a backdrop in the picture of the crocheted booties. Yes, I'm sure that this will be covered during the next confession with Fr. John. At least, there is proof that we brought this to the hospital for Jack Henry's use and ours. ;)
Nonetheless, it just so happens that the Gospel reading from this past Sunday (4th of Lent) seemed to capture an aspect of being in the hospital. In the Gospel of According to John, the story of Jesus healing the blind man is retold. The story starts off innocently as Jesus's disciples ask Jesus why the man that they had just passed was blind - was this the result of the man's or his parents' sin? This was a common thought in Jesus's time as well in the centuries following his earthly ministry ... and perhaps even until today. Yet, Jesus points out that the man's blindness is not related to sin, but in fact an opportunity for God's providence to shine through the man's pain and suffering. Jesus heals this man lack of sight through the man's faith as this also hastens Jesus's own fate to the cross as a result of this public display of ministry and healing.
While we have struggled with the aspect and challenges of Elaine and I desiring to have a child of our own, we became quite reminded how so many gifts have been given to us during our several months of hospital time in having Jack Henry. The struggle of his life coming to be has given us the wealth of new respect for the dedication and care of medical professionals as well as many new friends that we have such deep respect for in how they helped us in our journey. This is truly a current blessing that we would not so richly treasure if it weren't for the heavy burden that we needed help carrying.
Posted by
Stephen R. White
11:07:00 PM
I'm #1
Hello, all. It's been an eventful past month, but I've managed to survive in spite of my parents.
So, yes - today, I'm #1... well, I have officially turned one month old today!

Yea me! :)

Sure, these parents of mine scare the pooh out of me without a doubt, but they're turning out to be not so bad.

They seem to be around all of the time, which is cool, but I do find that it kinda crimps my style with the ladies.
Cheers to being #1. I can't wait until I'm really old ... like those 3 year olds. Wow - they're practically ancient!

So, yes - today, I'm #1... well, I have officially turned one month old today!
Yea me! :)
Sure, these parents of mine scare the pooh out of me without a doubt, but they're turning out to be not so bad.
They seem to be around all of the time, which is cool, but I do find that it kinda crimps my style with the ladies.
Cheers to being #1. I can't wait until I'm really old ... like those 3 year olds. Wow - they're practically ancient!
Posted by
Jack Henry White
12:23:00 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
How to make a baby burrito
Look out Martha Stewart, today we are going to learn how to make a baby burrito.
Here's the ingredients for your shopping list:
1 small baby
1 medium-sized warm square blanket
1 small hat
2 gentle hands
1 heaping cup of patience
2 squirts of Purell
1 pinch of help
Step 1: Find your baby.
Step 2: Apply Purell liberally on your hands to sanitize.
Step 3: Take your warm blanket and fold the top corner over a quarter of the way down. Now, you will ask that "your pinch of help" to hold up the baby so that you can lay down the blanket under him / her with the folded-over corner underneath the baby's upper back.
Step 4: As the blanket has been placed like a diamond under the baby, pull the left side of the blanket over the baby and tuck in under the baby gently. Now, take the bottom of the blanket and pull it up towards the baby. Finally, pull the right side of the blanket up over the bottom part of the blanket that you just pulled up and tuck it under the left shoulder of the baby. Place appropriately-sized hat on the baby's head. (Yes, the example pictures skip this part - sneaky, sneaky!)

Step 5: Remember to have the baby's hands brought up towards the baby's face in the burrito wrap as this is good for the baby developmentally-speaking.

Step 6: Now, have your "pinch of help" hold the baby while you make a karate chop motion over the baby burrito.

Step 7: Ignore step 6. Hopefully, you read all of these instructions in full before starting to make your baby burrito.
Step 8: Examine the quality of your baby burrito.

Step 9: Have the baby admire you for your skills in wrapping.
Step 10: Ignore the first 9 steps and call a nurse for help. :)
Here's the ingredients for your shopping list:
1 small baby
1 medium-sized warm square blanket
1 small hat
2 gentle hands
1 heaping cup of patience
2 squirts of Purell
1 pinch of help
Step 1: Find your baby.
Step 2: Apply Purell liberally on your hands to sanitize.
Step 3: Take your warm blanket and fold the top corner over a quarter of the way down. Now, you will ask that "your pinch of help" to hold up the baby so that you can lay down the blanket under him / her with the folded-over corner underneath the baby's upper back.
Step 4: As the blanket has been placed like a diamond under the baby, pull the left side of the blanket over the baby and tuck in under the baby gently. Now, take the bottom of the blanket and pull it up towards the baby. Finally, pull the right side of the blanket up over the bottom part of the blanket that you just pulled up and tuck it under the left shoulder of the baby. Place appropriately-sized hat on the baby's head. (Yes, the example pictures skip this part - sneaky, sneaky!)
Step 5: Remember to have the baby's hands brought up towards the baby's face in the burrito wrap as this is good for the baby developmentally-speaking.
Step 6: Now, have your "pinch of help" hold the baby while you make a karate chop motion over the baby burrito.
Step 7: Ignore step 6. Hopefully, you read all of these instructions in full before starting to make your baby burrito.
Step 8: Examine the quality of your baby burrito.
Step 9: Have the baby admire you for your skills in wrapping.
Step 10: Ignore the first 9 steps and call a nurse for help. :)
Posted by
Stephen R. White
11:22:00 PM
33 weeks young
Jack Henry keeps plumping up as he progresses in age and today he has turned a ripe 33 weeks old (gestationally-speaking again), which is also known as being 4 weeks old.

Thanks for the shirt, Me-maw. I use this as a reminder for Jack Henry every weekend. It's part of his task list that we post-it note to his isolet. Ha!

As he's getting bigger, Jack Henry is working on feeding and growing and growing and feeding ... in essence, no dieting for him these days. :)

Jack Henry was stunned to hear that once again, he missed out on the cupcake celebration for his weekly birthday.

Yet, he went back to sleep once he realized that he'll get the good stuff in the breastmilk eventually!

Thanks for the shirt, Me-maw. I use this as a reminder for Jack Henry every weekend. It's part of his task list that we post-it note to his isolet. Ha!
As he's getting bigger, Jack Henry is working on feeding and growing and growing and feeding ... in essence, no dieting for him these days. :)
Jack Henry was stunned to hear that once again, he missed out on the cupcake celebration for his weekly birthday.
Yet, he went back to sleep once he realized that he'll get the good stuff in the breastmilk eventually!
Posted by
Stephen R. White
6:25:00 PM
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